Label: "european union"

nemzeti konzultáció postás szankció orosz ukrán
October 14, 2022 15:10

Hungarian gov't starts mailing questionnaires in national consultation on EU sanctions

7 mostly dodgy claims, with 'Do you agree?' question

energiaugyi tanacsules megallapodas220930
September 30, 2022 12:57

Council agrees on emergency measures to cut energy prices, gas price cap debate continues

Serious interventions in four areas

orbán viktor facebook
September 22, 2022 08:35

Sanctions on Russia need to be scrapped by year-end at the latest - Orbán

Hungarian PM claims sanctions harm Europe more than Russia

September 06, 2022 17:23

Europeans increasingly jittery about economic situation

Expectations worsened

September 05, 2022 09:09

Russia's Gazprom keeps pipeline shut, price of gas spikes

Company blames oil leak

July 01, 2022 08:25

EU seeks to circumvent Hungarian veto on global minimum tax

Legal alternative being sought

litván hatátőrség
June 30, 2022 09:00

EU nears decision to ease tensions with Russia

Compromise deal to defuse standoff over Kaliningrad close

eu csúcs eu tagság huxit
June 29, 2022 08:57

Survey about Huxit yields interesting results

Peculiar findings among Fidesz voters

eu magyar
June 23, 2022 12:35

Hungary governing party proposal would considerably undermine EU

Cabinet position set on the future of the bloc

June 21, 2022 16:16

Hungary rejects the global minimum tax - Parliament adopts the resolution

U-turn position adopted in resolution

Stelbaczky Tibor Orban Viktor Europai Unio Brusszel
June 21, 2022 14:58

Hungary's Permanent Representative to the EU walks out in critical moment

Peculiar explanations surface

June 16, 2022 10:01

Hungary supports Moldova's candidacy for EU membership

Macron stresses some conditions must be met

May 17, 2022 12:03

Hungary's sturdy economic growth does not make it to EU Top3

European GDP rankings published

March 01, 2022 13:31

Hungary backs Ukraine's EU membership application

Foreign Minister announces

befektetés tőzsde chart getty stock
February 28, 2022 23:55

MSCI: Russian stock market "uninvestable" after grim new Western sanctions

Removing Russia from indexes "natural next step"

Marc Falguera CEO de Vertis_horizontal
January 04, 2022 15:50

Climate emergency: four steps by which companies can do a lot to reduce emissions

Exclusive interview with Vertis Group CEO Marc Falguera

koronavírus vakcina
December 17, 2021 16:50

Hungary back in talks with EU on Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine purchase due to Omicron

Coronavirus Press Centre confirms Portfolio scoop

November 25, 2021 08:50

Hungary to receive additional EUR 104 million to recover from coronavirus crisis

2022 REACT-EU allocations revealed

erdő erdőírtás favágás klímaváltozás globális felmelegedés
November 17, 2021 09:27

EU to ban import of products tied to deforestation

Rubber not included